FunLog++ - introduction - glossary - language - library - special - semiknown - dynamic
Logic Models
Relations with logic variables  and  backtracking

The following messages, except the first one, are not yet evaluated correctly by the FunLog++ interpreter. 
FunLog++ message
X=Y, Y=44, display(X) First X and Y are unified. Then 44 is assigned to Y. When displaying X then we expect (44)
X<Y, Y=44, display(X) First X is set to less Y. Then 44 is assigned to Y. When displaying X then we expect (<44).
X=Y\/X<Y, Y=33, display(X) First X is unified with or set to less Y. Then 33 is assigned to Y. When displaying X then we expect (<=33).
X=Y-Z, Y=55, Z=33, display(X) First X is set to the difference between Y and Z. The Y and Z get values 55 and 33. When displaying X then we expect (22).
X=exp(Y), Y=0, display(X) First X is set to exp(Y). Then 0 is assigned to Y. When displaying X then we expect (1).
(X=1;;X=2;;X=3), X>2, X First X is unified with 1. Then X>2 fails. Then X is unified with 2. Then again X>2 fails. Finally X is unified with 3 and then also X>2 succeeds. The result to be displayed is (3).

FunLog++ - introduction - glossary - language - library - semiknown - dynamic
Last modification: B. Pohl 08.November 2000